Monday, April 4, 2011

Medium boiled eggs

I really avoid eating hard boiled eggs if I can help it. I prefer my eggs runny or medium.  Here's how I cook my medium boiled eggs (a technique that also prevents that "green ring" from forming):

1) Cover eggs (preferably 3-5 days old so it's easier to peel) in a pot with cold water. Make sure the whole shell is submerged. If you have time to bring the eggs to room temperature, do it. If not, it's okay. Bringing eggs to room temperature just lowers the chance of them cracking during boiling, but I haven't had any problems with my cold eggs.
2) Bring pot to a rapid boil.
3) Once pot is at boil, cover tightly with a lid and remove from heat.
4) Let sit for 10-11 minutes (8 if you like it more runny, 13 if you like it more firm). The residual heat will continue cooking it.
5) Rinse under cold water for about 5 minutes. Rinsing in cold water shocks the egg inside, which creates steam between the shell and the membrane, making it easier to peel.
6) Crack, peel, and season, if desired.

I used coarse ground black pepper and a pinch of garlic salt for mine.


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